Kintegra Receives National Recognition for Quality – Again!

Kintegra has received the following HRSA Community Health Center Quality Recognition (CHCQR)  awards for Program Year 2020.

HRSA provides the CHQR badges recognize Health Center Program awardees that have made notable quality improvement achievements in the areas of access, quality, health equity, and health information technology for the most recent UDS reporting period. Additionally, COVID-19 badges were introduced to recognize health centers’ contributions to the public health emergency response in the areas of data collection, testing, and vaccinations

  • National Quality Leaders represent health centers that meet or exceed national benchmarks for one or more of the clinical quality measure (CQMs) groups that promote behavioral health, diabetes health, and heart health. Recipients are limited to the top 1 to 2% of all health centers.
  • Health Center Quality Leaders achieve the best overall clinical quality measure (CQM) performance among all health centers. They are recognized in the following tiers: Gold (top 10%), Silver (top 11-20%), or Bronze top (21-30%).
  • Advancing Health Information Technology (HIT) for Quality: Recognizes health centers that meet all criteria to optimize HIT services that advance telehealth, patient engagement, interoperability, and collection of social determinants of health to increase access to care and advance quality of care.
  • Patient Centered Medical Home Recognition (PCMH): Recognizes health centers with PCMH recognition in one or more delivery sites

We are very proud to again be recognized for these Quality initiatives.

To see full Program 2020 Awardee information, and data, click:

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