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Kintegra Receives HRSA CHCQR Awards for Program Year 2023

Industry News

We’ve done it again! Kintegra has received the following HRSA Community Health Center Quality Recognition (CHCQR) awards for Program Year 2023.

The images shown above represent the HRSA Quality Badges awarded in 2024 for the 2023 UDS reporting period. 

Below are definitions and criteria for the awards.

National Quality Leader:  Behavioral Health

To achieve this award, the Health Center must meet or achieve the following targets:

Depression remission at 12 months                 18.2% (top quintile of 2023 UDS Data)

Depression screening and follow-up plan          80.5% (top quintile of 2023 UDS Data)

Proportion of all patients receiving screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT)  At least 5%

Relative percent increase in patients receiving medication-assisted treatment (MAT) between consecutive UDS reporting years    ,At least 10%

Health Center Quality Leader

To earn HCQL badges, health centers must have the best overall CQM performance based on average 2023 Adjusted Quartile Rankings (AQR). HRSA awards HCQL badges to health centers with AQR averages in the top three tiers (top 30%).

Kintegra earned the Bronze award, meaning we were in the top 30% of health centers nationwide for our clinical quality metrics.

Access Enhancer

Health centers must:

    • Achieve at least one of these:
      • Earn at least one HCQL or NQL badge.
      • Improve by at least 15% in one or more CQMs in back-to-back reporting years.
    • Increase by at least 5% in back-to-back reporting years.
      • Total patients.
      • Patients receiving mental health, substance use disorder, vision, dental, or enabling services.

How did health centers qualify?

We used data from the last two UDS reporting periods (Table 5: Staffing and Utilization (PDF – 271 KB)).


Advancing Health Information Technology (HIT) for Quality:

Health centers that meet all the following criteria:

      • Adopted an electronic health record (EHR) system.
      • Offered telehealth services.
      • Exchanged clinical information online with key providers’ health care settings.
      • Engaged patients through health IT.
      • Collected data on patient social risk factors.

How did health centers qualify?

HRSA used UDS data from the latest reporting year (Appendix D: Health Center Information Technology Capabilities and Appendix E: Other Data Elements (PDF – 171 KB).)

Addressing Social Risk Factors to Health

To earn this badge, Health centers must:

      • Collect data on patient social risk factors.
      • Increase the percentage of patients who received enabling services between the last two UDS reporting years.

How did health centers qualify? HRSA used data from the two latest UDS reporting periods.

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