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GFHS Medical Dr. Ocloo Receives NCCHCA’s ‘Outstanding Provider’ Award

GFHS Medical Director, Dr. Shirley Ocloo was recognized as this year’s Outstanding Provider by the  North Carolina Community Health Center Association (NCCHCA).   Dr. Ocloo received the award at the  NCCHCA’s Summer conference on June 27th, and the presentation was made by President and CEO, Ben Money.

Pictured above is Dr. Ocloo and Ben Money

The NCCHCA Outstanding Provider Award recognizes a provider who has worked in a North Carolina Community Health Center for at least five years, for commitment, compassion and superior contributions embodying the Community Health Center mission.

The criteria for the award stipulate that the provider’s professional history must demonstrate:


    • Passionate belief in patient-governed health care with a focus on meeting patient and family goals.


    • Commitment to the highest standards of professional practice


    • Excellent clinical and critical thinking skills


    • Effective communication that encourages and empowers patients and coworkers


    • Efforts to address social needs in a medial context.


We are very proud of this recognition.  Congratulations Dr. Ocloo!

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