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Thank you to Verlina Lomick, Kintegra’s Director of Community Outreach and Advocacy and all the other participants at this event who joined Governor Roy Cooper to mark this important milestone in Medicaid expansion in NC!

More than half a million North Carolinians have now enrolled in Medicaid expansion since the program began seven months ago. Beneficiaries are now able get the quality health care they need at low cost. Roy Cooper was joined by North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Kody Kinsley, Dr. Karen L. Smith MD, FAAFP, a family physician in Raeford and Verlina Lomick, CHW-IV, Director of Community Outreach & Advocacy for Kintegra Health and health care advocates to celebrate reaching this major milestone, which had originally been projected to take as long as two years.

We are proud of everyone across the state who has and continues to work hard to expand access to care for so many North Carolinians.  This is truly something to celebrate!

Click here for the full article: North Carolina Celebrates More Than 500,000 Enrolled in Medicaid Expansion | NC Gov. Cooper

We’re pleased to announce that our new practice – KBH Statesville is now fully operational. Behavioral Health counseling and Medication Management services formerly provided at KIM- Statesville now operate from this newly renovated spacious facility. Kintegra Behavioral Health- Statesville offers high-quality behavioral health services for the whole family. Click here to learn more.




Kintegra does not currently offer COVID-19 vaccines, but getting vaccines is easy and convenient.  CVS and Walgreen pharmacies offer vaccine appointments, and some allow walk-ins.

To find a location near you and make a vaccine appointment, Check out the following links:


COVID-19 Vaccines Near Me – New COVID Vaccination | CVS Pharmacy


Schedule COVID-19 Vaccine & Booster | Walgreens

For further information and resources about COVID vaccines, visit:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/index.html

Kintegra is pleased to announce the transition of MERCE Family Healthcare (Medical Resource Center for Randolph County) into the Kintegra family of practices! On March 1, the MERCE family medicine and family dentistry practices in Asheboro open their doors as Kintegra Family Medicine and Kintegra Family Dentistry.For more information about the merger, see today’s press release here: MERCE Merges with Kintegra

For additional information on these locations click here:

Kintegra Family Dentistry

Kintegra Family Medicine

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